January 16, 2025
I would want to believe all of you were able to recharge the batteries in readiness for the work ahead. As for me, after my traditional vacation in the Far East, I am raring to go ... these are some of the benefits of annual vacations. I now…
So it is with all diaspora Zimbabweans. Each time one of us returns from the homeland, we gather around, listening and hoping that the degradation of the country has been arrested and that there is a fork in the road to prosperity. Having placed our hopes in ZANU-PF,…
To some people, "miracle money" is regarded as a relief and a pointer to greater things coming with this new season. But to others, it has become a complaint and a complication to the new season. Both Christians and non-Christians are puzzled over this new phenomenon. Some Christ-ians…
Evidence on the ground shows the hardening of positions in the inclusive government and worsening economic sentiment which does not augur well for 2013.With the life of the inclusive government nearing its end, the battle lines are now clearly marked between ZANU-PF and its rivals whereupon President Robert…
2012 was a good year for some but the majority of employees lost their jobs or they went for months without being paid their salaries. This trend is likely to continue as companies battle to contain costs. While the economy seems to be stabilizing, organisations are still struggling…
To guide the forward-looking processes, it is important to look at how the previous year would have panned out.Looking at the projections made in this column at the beginning of 2012 and how events then unfolded, it would appear that apart from the liquidity crisis deepening, very little…
At a time when the ‘digital divide' is narrowing due to advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs), more and more organisations, particularly in the developing world are taking advantage of this by adopting Business-to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumers (B2C) strategies afforded by the world-wide web.…
The idea is to at least have more loving than hating. That you use words more and not physical means. But that said, ummh let's see, what did you all fight about in the past year? What were the biggest bones of contention or trigger issues? Between you…
These are countries that have caused the African Union (AU) and the regional economic communities a lot of headaches in the last five years or so.The pending elections in these nations are projected to finally resolve the political jinx that has been compounded by either disputed elections or…
Determining how she presents herself or lives her life. On the one hand, that is. While on the other hand, education, modernity, westernisation and feministic notions, theories and movements have a way of also influencing the woman. The interplay between the traditional and contemporary factors influencing the state…