January 16, 2025
It's a zero sum game; foreign shareholders and the private sector have been bullied and marched into submission and the rest of us have to unquestionably believe in the sincerity of State paternalism as a redistributive force with the capacity to deliver people from inequality and out of…
The 2009 budget, the first United States dollar budget by the beleaguered, cash-strapped government, had been crafted by then acting finance minister, Patrick Chinamasa, before formation of the inclusive government; Biti had simply amended this budget and gone on to declare the domestic currency dead when he presented…
Having been in power since 1980 and without evidence of changing its political character; is ZANU-PF now failing to read the mood of the political landscape? Is the party risking its future by failing to strengthen its understanding of the nature of Zimbabwean politics? As much as ZANU-PF…
The mobile operator recorded significant growth in its price from 441 cents on October 1, 2012 to 501 cents on October 25, 2012. The 13,6 percent capital gain was on the back of anticipated half year financial results which were duly published on October 25, 2012. A 17percent…
ZIMASCO, Zimbabwe Alloys, Maranatha and Monawood as big players do have synergies with small scale operators, have smelting facilities and in most instances enter into tribute agreements for the chrome ore production on claims owned by large operators.Last year in April, the Government banned the export of raw…
In general the value of supply is, to the extent that the consideration is money, the amount of the money and to the extent that such consideration is not a consideration in money, the open market value of that consideration.Valuation on the basis of the amount of money…
These matters are relative. We have it on good report that when God said: "Let us make man in our image," the devil was listening and made politicians in similar fashion.One would think that in a large electorate such as is found in the United States, electoral cheating…
Recently, credit ratings by Standard and Poor showed a negative outlook; blamed on incessant industrial unrest and social tension; both growing at a frightening rate. Given the background of the Marikana disaster in August and the mining sector strikes; the general economy and the country's investment lure are…
That we would be cruising to victory is now dead certain, what just worries me are the wide and sometimes violent divisions that arise as a result of our democratic system of primary elections.You see Cdes, ever since the elections in 1980, this has always been a…
On the one hand, here is a young man keen to associate with the former revolutionary party on his own volition and in Malema's own words, "met with the progressive forces of Zimbabwe". There is no clue needed here on who Malema views as a representation of the…