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Environmental indicators

 Although humans may never tell precisely what message the birds will be trying to convey as they take turns to sing and dance, one could be forgiven to infer that the early morning sounds could be joyous songs signaling the break of dawn, the beginning of a new…

Holding people accountable for results

A number of organisations find themselves struggling to instil the discipline of accountability in their staff members.It is important to note that the discipline of accountability goes hand-in- hand with the organisational culture. Your organisational cultures can breed a culture of inefficiency and non-accountability. It is therefore the…

Business association targets entrepreneurship

 The Zimbabwean Master of Business Admin-istration (ZIMMBAA) is a not-for-profit professional association for MBA graduates who aspire to make a positive impact on business practice within Zimbabwe and region. According to its interim president Patrick Mapu-ranga, its vision is to be the premier business organisation serving indigenous professionals…

Mubarak: Sight without vision!

The pity of it all is that these dictators never learn nothing from nothing (black English). There are so many examples of Middle East dictators who walked on water, while drowning their subjects in the name of the Unted States. When it became obvious that their people were…

More treasonous talk from Morgan, Cdes

While admiring the anarchy taking place in some North African countries, the dull fellow could not help putting his foot in the mouth and he uttered a statement that ordinarily can be interpreted as inciting people to rise against my constitutionally-elected government. That should be treasonous, isn’t it?…

Mutambara’s unlikely ally

But its effect on the political formation is just as devastating as hurricane Katrina was to some part of this planet some years back.It’s still possible that you can salvage something out of a wreck created by nature, but how the new MDC president, Ncube, will salvage the…

The business card

He has not been there for a while. As he leaves after a few days, his relatives crowd him to bid farewell. Before settling into his car, he takes out a business card and hands it to his 85-year-old grandmother who looks at it with her failing eyesight…