THE year 2019 is getting to a close. It has been a very difficult year for both businesses and employees alike as we witnessed some of the greatest business challenges ever. (more…)
YOUR organisation has already or very soon will embark on some form of restructuring to rescue your business from total collapse or to reposition for future opportunities. As you go through this process I want you to think about the following: 80 percent of restructuring or downsizing efforts…
A good working relationship between the CEO and the Board, is a must if the organsiation has to be successful. In the majority of cases where the relationship is sour, organisational performance suffers. (more…)
Getting a new job is exciting. Most people become stuck when they are asked to come and negotiate a salary package. Most people are unprepared to negotiate for a pay package even if they are on a job hunt. Once you get a job offer here are some…
EXECUTIVE contracts are some of the most complicated contracts to administer. The duration of such contract, tend to vary from sector to sector and sometimes from company to company. Our survey shows the following common practices. (more…)
Every person charged with running an organisation carries an enormous task on behalf of the key stakeholders. Others take this role as a way to enrich themselves personally, while others take this role as an opportunity to do well for the benefit of society. (more…)
EMPLOYEE remuneration besides it being one of the major expenses most businesses incur, very few senior executives know how it works. They have no idea on how to leverage this important tool. (more…)
MOST performance management systems suffer from two main perennial problems; measurement problem and feedback problem. Regardless of what your system is called these are the main problems that make most performance and measurement systems useless. (more…)
LAST week I shared the challenges related to collective bargaining. In this installment, I will focus on the strategies that can be used to deal with some of the challenges. Collective Bargaining is supposed to contributes to productive, stable and sustainable commercial operations. (more…)
“Collective bargaining is a process of determining the terms and conditions of employment in your workplace by agreement with your employees.” - International Organisation of Employers (IOE). (more…)