LET us start by defining talent in order to put context into this discussion. I know most HR people want to look at talent for every employee in their organisation. (more…)
I WAS going to be very, very surprised if these elections were going to come and go without something really, really dramatic happening. And as my hunch has been telling me all along, the Bulawayo bomb thing came as no real surprise. (more…)
AFTER 40 years at the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority, my friend Fabian Mabaya is retiring. As has been his custom, every Thursday morning, he has his tea at the office, while he is reading his personal copy of The Financial Gazette. (more…)
MEMORY Nguwi (MN) caught up with Joanna Wilde (JW) to discuss psychological insights into work design. Joanna has practiced as a chartered psychologist in senior executive and consultant roles and has consolidated her experience into a text-book published with Routledge, which is focused on mitigating toxic workplaces. Her…
NEVER have I heard such nonsensical madness in the almost 100 years I have lived on this planet. Never have I also heard of it anywhere ever since God created this earth. Twenty three, yes you heard right 23, presidential candidates think that they have what it takes…
AS I traveled from Munich, Germany to Stuttgart on their fast rail (not a bullet train) passengers bought tickets from a vending machine and disembarked at their destination without ever speaking to a train inspector. Announcements, stops and starts were all computer generated. (more…)
By Alois Vinga THE Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has written to President Emmerson Mnangagwa urging him not to assent the Insolvency Bill into law because it prejudices workers. (more…)
I WILL not be addressing you this week comrades, serve to say that Cdes in my infiltrated former party are busy trying to convince me to give them my notes on how to govern this country. That classically flopped demo last week was a real rude awakening for…
MEMORY Nguwi caught up with Steve Hunt (senior vice president human capital management research at SAP SuccessFactors) to discuss how personality and emotional intelligence impact on life outcomes. (more…)