THE movement of cash, whether by individuals or businesses, needs always to be handled with care. Most people have some cash on them in case they need to buy something. They need to be careful where they keep it.
…Munyaradzi Mugowo, Staff Reporter
THE government and miners are close to an interim agreement on a more diluted empowerment model that seeks to waive the proposed statutory equity requirements in the short-term for mining corporations that contribute to economic and social development.
…Pastor Mairos
LAST week, a reader, Cannie Machando, made some valuable comments on my articles on the subject of the Holy Spirit and tongues. …
Charlotte Malakoff
XENOPHOBIC is probably too strong a descriptive term, but Zimbos have never presented themselves as a rainbow nation, like our neighbours in the south, or sought to promote multi-culturalism, in the way of our former colonial masters to the north. Even so, various foreign national clubs, in…
Changing the feel of a room, as well as changing an individual’s mood, are key drivers in home fragrance today, home fragrance is an integrated element of everyday life. …
Gregory Gondo, Special Correspondent
THE energy-supping house-keeping matters that I was seized with are over. When you are dealing with human beings you can’t leave anything to chance. You know what the good book says; the heart of man is desperately wicked. …
Own Correspondent
BENHILDAH Marume, popularly known as Tamara from the local television soap Studio 263, believes her presence in the local drama has been a major inspiration for people with disabilities, especially women. …
Pool Deck with Vincent Munyeza
My slogan is “Teach your children how to swim in order to make them drown proof.” It’s a survival skill!
Teaching children and adults to swim is an important first step in the prevention of drowning. Education about the risks of swimming in certain situations…
Richard Wiley
THE turmoil that has swept through the auto industry right across the globe certainly did not escape the British Midlands, long time home to brands as apparently diverse as Jaguar and Land-Rover. I say long time home somewhat advisedly because although assembly plants for both brands continue to…