FIRST Capital Bank (FCB) Zimbabwe says appetite for its lines of credit has been encouraging to the extent …
Companies & Markets
MEIKLES Limited (Meikles) is working to have the suspension on trading its shares on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) lifted after successfully quelling a nasty boardroom wrangle that ensued at the tail-end of last …
CALEDONIA Mining Corporation (Caledonia) says the new positive drill findings suggest that there is more mineralisation and point …
GENERAL Beltings (GB) says it will keep strengthening its market position in the productive sectors of the economy …
THE Zimbabwe sugar industry is facing stiff competition from cheap imports following authorities’ measures to allow duty-free imports …
BORDER Timbers says it has secured funding for a biomass partnership project with two unnamed tobacco companies. In …
FBC Securities is expecting the stock market’s performance to continue to be impacted by local liquidity conditions and …
THE Nedbank Group (Nedbank) says it is optimistic about its Zimbabwe business’ prospects as it has been performing …
HOTEL and leisure group African Sun (AfSun) has attributed a half year loss of close to US$2 million …
NATIONAL Foods (NatFoods), posted a three percent decline in overall volumes to 553 000 tonnes for the year …
NATIONAL Foods says it has adequate stocks of raw materials and is not worried about the expected El …