The World Economic Forum’s Head of Blockchain Sheila Warren was recently interviewed by Biznews and in that interview,…
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe took to Twitter this morning with a warning for individuals who are “destabilising”…
Reports have emerged stating that United Nations officials have been banned from using Whatsapp since June 2019, because…
Higherlife Foundation has extended by an additional six months the free transport programme for nurses and doctors employed…
During Lazarus Muchenje’s recent interview with the Herald, the NetOne CEO was asked about how which projects the…
Here are the foreign currency exchange rates for the US$, ZW$ and Rand on the interbank and black…
OneMoney has been on an upward trajectory for a while now. In October, NetOne revealed that their mobile…
Local public health institutions are expected to start digitally storing patients’ information. The project is expected to start…
When the merits of cryptocurrencies are raised one point which is heavily stressed is the fact that these…
Zimbabwe School Examination Council (ZIMSEC) has released the 2019 Ordinary Level examination results. The Council announced that the…