Healing wounds of sin
This message is intended for people who were once in positions and places of reputation, honour and dignity and fell into disgrace, dishonour, shame and reproach because of yielding to temptations. Some pastors and other spiritual leaders fell into the pit of shame through marital infidelity.
The Bible says that by means of a whorish woman a man is reduced to a piece of bread. This means illicit sexual relations can degrade a person to the worth of a crumb of bread under the dining table. Others have been fired from their gainful employments as a result of various misconducts including stealing and forging of documents and they have become loafers and wanderers on the streets. Still others have been sacked from their political and social pursuits due to rebellion and evil scheming and are now pests and irritants to the establishments. This message is not for those who were wrongly judged but those who actually did it and instead of confessing their wrong-doing they try to justify their sinful behaviour and failure. There is good news for you! God wants to restore you to your former glory.
God’s dealings with Israel involved a fine balance between His divine justice and His divine mercy. Divine justice demands that the transgressor be not left unpunished but divine mercy ensures that the punishment will not exceed the measure of correction to cursing. Today, God will never curse if you are His child, but He definitely chastise you as a son that you may share in His holiness. A curse is intended to bring the cursed one to death eventually but chastisement involves discipline and correction with a view to restore the chastised one. Notice that during the course of chastisement no healing can be received from any source other than God. No medicine can cure your condition because it is a result of the Lord’s doing. Your wounds of sin will be so incurable and grievous that your friends and prospective helpers will desert you. No man will seek after you or care for you. You will become a butt of jokes and a laughing stock in the community. Many will see your reproach and shame and call you an outcast- a homeless and friendless person.
You may be going through some adversity today as a result of your past sin. You have probably tried this medicine and that but to no avail. Your wound in this case is not a hurt from a cutting but a hurt to your reputation and feelings. It a spiritual disease rooted in sin. It also refers to unpleasant living and working conditions you have been forced to go through as result of your sin. It is so unrelenting and unresponsive to any kind of medication, physical help and prayer because it has a spiritual root-cause with physical manifestations. You have a controversy with your Creator. Immediately you return to Him in genuine repentance and contrition your spiritual healing begins. Confess your sin thoroughly before God or a trusted and anointed man or woman of God for your healing to begin. Binding the devil or seeking medical help without first setting things right with your Father in heaven will not help you. Face it like King David and confess that you have sinned against the Holy One. Your situation is not getting better because you conceal your sin. Proverbs 28:13 says, he that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses them shall have mercy. 1 John 1:9 echoes the same sentiment, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. Forgiveness, spiritual cleansing and restoration and prosperity are promised you but with a conditional clause. They are consequent upon your acknowledgement and confession of your sin.
Concealment of secret sin will cause you to suffer in secret and concealed conditions because your sins will definitely find you out.
Swallow your pride and confess it and see your health spring forth speedily and your restoration take place sooner than you thought possible.
– For spiritual help call 011877180 or email mairos78@yahoo.co.uk