New things waiting for you
 God is saying to those believers who are pursuing great things this year that you will get what you go after.
To everything there is a season. Last year was a time of preparation and getting stabilised for individuals in particular and for the nation at large. However, this is the year not only of hearing about what you want or seeing it in the hands of others but of getting hold of it yourself. Those who may not get hold of it by the end of this year will still rejoice because God will give you the grace to make milestones towards achieving it so that it becomes almost impossible for you not to get it in the ensuing year. You may want to doubt this word of prophecy because of your prevailing circumstances which point to the opposite but dare to believe it. Doubt your doubts. Feel the fear but expect it anyway. Sarah had waited for a very long time for Isaac to come to the extent that circumstances mocked her, reason defied her and Hagar almost replaced her but at the appointed time the child of promise came. Her anxiety was replaced by joy, confidence and thanksgiving.
Now it is your turn. Like Job, you have waited all the days of your appointed time for a change to come and this year is the acceptable time. It is the time for God to favour you, the acceptable year of the Lord to do it for you, to bring it to pass for you, to give it to you.
God is saying to you that since you are precious in His sight, honourable and the object of His love He will give men for thee, and people for thy life (see Isa.43:4). Did you hear what God is saying in this verse? He means some terrific things here. He means that He is prepared to let the wicked who hinder you and oppress you lose their lives in order to save yours and to bring His covenant of peace with you to pass. If your Hamans (adversaries) remain stubborn and unrepentant in their plots and schemes against you they are going to die in your place.
You might as well warn the devils and his agents not to interfere with your perfect right to good health, financial stability, marital peace, business growth and favour with the nobility of the land because God will not spare them this year. He is prepared to make a way for you in the sea and rivers for you in desert places. This happened literally for the children of Israel but for you today it is a metaphor which means that God will do the impossible, the unheard of, and the untold only to see to it that you get what you want this year.Â
In fact He has already gone before you into this year to make your mountains low and your valleys level. In simple terms He is going ahead of you to remove obstacles. What a wonder! Do you not see what is happening here? It took a human being, John the Baptist to be the forerunner of the Lord, so that the Lord would have a highway prepared for Him. But this time around it is the other way around; God Himself is your forerunner, going before you into the year instructing those standing in your way to free the way for you.
But let me caution you though. You are commanded to put on a new attitude of confidence and expectancy because your answer, desire or miracle will just spring forth before you from nowhere. Just expect it anytime; when you sleep, wake up, turn to the left or right for it will just pop up like a toast out of the toaster. Your former attitude of ‘little me’ and ‘poor me’ associated with failure, dishonor, shame and loss should go lest it holds you back from getting what you want. Position yourself in faith, courage, hard work, wisdom and love and sit still to see the salvation, the wonders and the marvelous power of your faithful God.
– For spiritual help call Pastor Mairos on 011877180 or email: