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Power of testimony

Resolving Personal
& Spiritual Conflicts

JOHN 12:10, 11; But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.Hearing other people’s testimonies about God’s goodness unto them is good as it encourages your faith.

However, testimony of a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ is better. In fact, personal testimony has great power.
The power lies in the fact that your own faith is solidified when God meets you at your point of greatest need.
Can you imagine how much Lazarus’ faith in God’s power was catapulted after he was raised from the dead?
All along he had known Jesus as the physician who healed sicknesses and diseases.

But after his resurrection from death, he knew Jesus not only as healer but also as a raiser of the dead. This may explain why sometimes you experience divine delays in your desired breakthroughs.
God is a God of progressive revelation.

He always wants to reveal Himself in another form and in a greater way so you can know Him better. It will help you to develop a steadfast faith in God when you need His intervention because He may take a little bit longer to intervene than you expect. But the delay will be more profitable to you.

Testimony does not only have power to raise one’s faith to a greater level; it causes other people who were doubters to begin to believe in Jesus.
For instance, when Lazarus was raised from the dead ‘many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.’ Thus, while we acknowledge that the devil has some measure of power to work counterfeit miracles, we must never deny the supernatural in the church.

There are people in the world who will never repent and come to Jesus unless they witness the supernatural power of God at work. Miracles testify.
On the contrary, testimony also has power to attract persecution and opposition.

Has it ever happened to you that no sooner had you received a major divine breakthrough than you encountered a very terrible blow from Satan? Or perhaps you have noticed that your testimony of success caused you to lose a friend or something valuable all because someone became jealous of you. Misery loves company. Not everyone likes your success. Chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus who was raised from the dead.
They wanted to destroy his testimony which was unbearable to them.

Beloved, cease not to seek to know Jesus and the power of his resurrection for fear of persecution and opposition; what God gives, He protects.
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