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Turning criticism into a blessing

christian1 Peter 2:23 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing…
Criticism can really be a blessing in disguise to those believers who have learnt to see the bigger picture in every circumstance. And since criticism is an offense that is guaranteed to come everyone’s way, it is critically important that one is prepared to handle it wisely. Everyone needs criticism of some sort one time or another to be a truly healthy, real and successful person. But if handled unwisely criticism can be very destructive. So here are some rules taken from Oral Roberts’ writings which can help us deal effectively with criticism.

Rule 1: When you are criticised, ask yourself this question: Is it true? If it is, do not ignore it. Face yourself and make needed changes. Be grateful to your critic for being the unpaid watchman of your soul.

Rule 2: If the criticism is not true, form a faith-image of the power of truth over error. Do not forget the issue. Because you are right, you can afford to wait.

Rule 3: Practice forgiveness of your critics, not resentment. By accomplishing a forgiveness of your critic you will release yourself and find peace of mind again.

Rule 4: Do not allow yourself to be drawn into the web hate. Hate will destroy you. You have no right to hate your fellowman for he or she too is made in the image of God. Only love is stronger than hate.

Rule 5: Refuse to strike it back. Meekness is power. This is because meekness is based on faith, not fear.

Rule 6: Do not allow yourself to become discouraged. Discouragement is the most dangerous feeling you can get because failure and success are often separated by only the distance of that one word – discouragement. When you allow yourself to get discouraged through criticism you are permitting your critic to dictate your course. No one knows how small the margin is between failure and success, faith and fear. The tendency of most people is to become discouraged to the point of quitting when they are adversely criticised. Remember, if you never give way to discouragement you will never quit.

Rule 7: Use the power of sincere prayer. In dealing effectively and lastingly with the bruising effects of criticism you will discover that there is one other principle that will liberate you after all others have failed. This is the power of prayer. Prayer has a cleansing and lifting power. It is turning to a higher power than yourself. Once you have prayed, form an image of the fact that God is working things out for you. In your prayer, firstly review the matter of your problem to God. Tell Him all about it. Secondly, freely acknowledge to Him that you have been wounded and hurt. Confide in Him all your resentments, your bitterness and your fears. Let God be the judge. Thirdly, confess your own weakness and inability to overcome your problems. Finally, ask God to personally intervene, to take a hand in the matter. These four steps in prayer take the whole problem out of your hands and place it in the hands of God will works in all things for own good.
(Rules taken from Oral Roberts’ book; A Daily Guide To Miracles).

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