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Ways to stay fit in winter

Make use of layers correctly
Regardless of anything you may plan to do this winter, it’s important to ensure that you are keeping warm and that you are prepared for any unexpected weather. Some people may experience chest pain or other health issues that are triggered by cold air, so bundling up is very important.
Vary your workout routine
It’s always important to ensure that you don’t become too bored or accustomed to your workout routine. You can use the winter weather as a starting point to vary your routine. If you are usually working out during a certain time in other seasons, you may want to change the workout time and length during the winter, especially to accommodate some of the seasonal changes and cold weather.
Don’t forget working out inside
Although there are a lot of people who tend to focus on exercising outside, this may not be the best option if you are dealing with a weak immune system or during days when it’s just too cold to be outside. Instead, remember that there are fun activities that you can incorporate into your workout routine while inside. These can include swimming, bowling, yoga, Pilates, stair-stepping, and many other options.
Don’t ignore outdoor exercise Opportunities
Likewise, if you are more likely to want to work out inside, you may want to consider some of the options that are available for exercising outside instead. Walking, running, hiking, and skating are all great ways that you can enjoy your time outside. Geocaching is another unique way that you can have fun hiking in your spare time.
Use probiotics
Probiotics have been proven to help prevent cavities and assist with weight loss. However, it is also a great way to help prevent individuals from becoming ill with viruses and colds. As a result, if you use probiotics during the winter, you reduce your chances of becoming sick.
Eat apples and fruits
If you eat apples on a regular basis, it’s been said that you can lose around 12 pounds per year. Apples are most common during the winter time, making them an ideal addition to your diet.
Ensure that your feet are always warm
One study suggests that if you keep your feet warm, it may help to prevent you from getting an infection. It’s been estimated that having warm feet can reduce the risk by around 67 percent. When your feet are cold, the blood vessels in your sinuses are more likely to become constricted, which makes it hard for your immune system to fight off viruses.
Eat your soup
It’s being said that soup is one of the best ways that you can work towards weight loss. Of course, there is no better time to incorporate it into your diet than during the cold season. Having vegetable soups can be a great way to boost your immune system and ensure that you get all of your antioxidants or daily dose of veggies.
Consider winter sports
If you struggle with the idea of staying active during the winter, you might want to consider joining in on some winter sports. Whether you are interested in ice skating or hockey, there are many different winter sports that can be an ideal way to keep you busy throughout the winter. The best part is that these can easily replace part of your exercise routine.
Get plenty of sleep
The winter is one of the best times for you to catch up on the sleep that you have missed throughout the year. If you deprive yourself of sleep, it can cause you to become irritable, gain weight, and even have more sugar cravings. As a result, if you sleep a little longer or go to bed a little more early, it can have a very beneficial effect on your body.
Enjoy seasonal fruits and veggies
Some of the seasonal veggies and fruits that are available during the winter are well known for having beneficial effects. For example, pumpkin is known to be a great aid in weight loss and helps to keep your skin looking young. A little research can provide you with all you need to know about improving your diet with seasonal fruits and veggies.
Get your vitamin D
If you don’t get enough sunlight during the winter months, you can easily get a vitamin D deficiency. As a result, this can lead to depression and possible weight gain if not handled correctly. Generally, at least 10 minutes of exposure to the sun is recommended per day, but if you aren’t about to do this, get your vitamin D by taking supplements or from food sources.
Avoid sress
The winter months are known for their holidays and many associate holidays with stress. If you are able to keep yourself free of stress during these periods of time, you may be more likely to avoid becoming ill or dealing with possible weight gain. Participate in activities that you love, get plenty of rest, and don’t forget to add some yoga into your routine to help you relieve stress.
Treat joint pain naturally
If you are experiencing joint pain from the cold weather, one of the more well-known options for relieving pain is to have a daily dose of ginger. Another considerable option is to eat spicier foods or take regular doses of pepper capsules.
Exercise in the morning
Individuals who have a hard time getting up in the morning may want to consider exercising during this time instead. Not only will it help to warm up the body, it ensures that you get your daily workout and prepares you to be more active throughout the rest of your day.
— EngagementHealth.