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Drafting remuneration policies

 Is the company’s position statement outlining its remuneration philosophy and what it aims to achieve through it?The policy should outline how the organisation uses total rewards to attract, retain, motivate, and reward employees. It should also outline the link between remuneration and business strategies. Most organisations require multiple…

Outsourcing HR

Of late, it has become fashionable for various business entities to invite bids from suppliers of goods and services for prequalification and registration on their databases. This article does not concern itself so much with the business case behind this practice. Where the motive for doing so is…

SMEs: Potential for growth supressed

This mainly stems from the fact that, by their very nature, small firms are widely spread geographically, labour intensive, efficient, better at nurturing entrepreneurs and more equitable in the distribution of generated income than their large counterparts.However, these businesses continue to encounter prohibitive regulatory and financial barricades especially…