January 23, 2025
As Zimbabweans, we need to be conscious of the fact that we now have the chance to define exactly the Zimbabwe we want.Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No 19) Act, which ushered in the current inclusive government, was in any case never intended to be a permanent thing. It…
COMRADES, now that the inclusive government arrangement seems to be working—and taking away pressure from our party—it is high time that party members started working towards the next elections. As you all know, these elections are due at most in two years’ time, so by that time, our…
The South African press has reported that the emergence of Bishop Mvume Dandala at the weekend as the man COPE supporters would like to see assuming the presidency of South Africa should the party win the most seats in the forthcoming legislative elections, has caused tensions within the…
Who ever thought the day would come when The Saturday Herald's rampant and seemingly omnipotent hate-mongering, self-anointed arbiter of patriotism, the belligerent and raging Nathaniel Manheru, would pen the last installment of his notorious column?But proving that what goes up must eventually come down and that nothing lasts…
The full list of Cabinet comprises 35 full Ministers, 20 deputies and five Ministers of State. The line up will soon go up to 70 with the appointment of 10 provincial governors and resident ministers.All these Ministers, including those who continue to be recycled despite their pathetic track…
The national dilemma has shifted from how to form a government of national unity that occupied our minds over the past year to how to accommodate, remunerate and sustain the new public office holders.Media reports last week indicated that some of the new cabinet members were without offices…
Dear Cabinet andPolitburo membersI am happy that our people seem to be accepting the new government whose structures we are in the process of finalising. That is quite encouraging. You will agree with me Cdes that this was the only workable solution available, and we should make the…
A crisis therefore forces leaders to grasp the world as it really is and not what they wanted it to be. American churches are leading in this search for new paradigms.This weekend, 500 Methodists form the Global Church were meeting at the Marriott Hotel in Irvine, near Los…
I have heard many economist friends of mine talk about it, and spurred by my strong appetite for knowledge, I have always listened attentively to benefit from their expertise. In simple parlance, the confidence index, is a vote of / or of no confidence in a country by…
The answer, according to the people of Venezuela, who have just voted in a referendum is YES — a response that is sure to resonate with many heads of state in Africa.Maverick Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez’s patience in his campaign to abolish presidential term limits finally paid off …